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The Healing Sanctuary of Asclepius

Asclepius is the God of medicine and the patron of doctors. This shrine is dedicated to healing and situations involving medical issues. Included on the shrine are tools used by one of Reverend Saint Germain's ancestors who was a community doctor, along with relics from Saint Mutien-Marie Wiaux (1841 - 1917) and Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini - also known as Mother Cabrini - (1850 - 1917). This seven day prayer calls upon these spirits to give their loving attention to your situation.

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The Garden of Venus

The Garden of Venus is a section of the main chapel that is dedicated for work attracting lovers, soothing problems in relationships, rekindling passion in relationships that have gone cold, and for reconciliation. This altar calls upon the Goddess Venus to bring her influence into matters of love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, friendship, sympathy, self-love, increased excellence in artistry, establishing healthy plants, and increasing aesthetic beauty. When you call upon the Goddess Venus, you gain a powerful ally in navigating love's choppy waters.

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Black Hawk Power Ceremony

Black Hawk has long been venerated in the Spiritual Church as a fierce guardian who will intervene on behalf of the oppressed. He is "the watchman on the wall," constantly standing guard against injustice and offering restitution and/or protection for those who have been wronged. It is said when Black Hawk is called in to assist, God follows right behind him. This altar work involves a mixture of ceremonial rootwork, candle vigils, animal totems, sacred relics, crystals, and prayer to petition the spirit of Black Hawk to intercede on your behalf.

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The Shrine of the Realm of Dark Cherubs

The Shrine of the Realm of Dark Cherubs is an altar at Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted to solely to crossing, cursing, and jinx work. Like most altars, it contains the ossuary remains of helpful animal totems - including the mortal remains of a raccoon named Randolph, and the skull of a wolf named Tsusasi (Cherokee for "blood law" or "blood revenge"). The shrine also contains a Holy Relic from a sanctified priest known as Father Sebastian, who had four documented miraculous acts ascribed to him. A ceramic doll head was collected from a cemetery, and another doll head was found in a haunted property and is believed to have a spirit attached to it. The two dark angels are Dumah, the Weigher of the Wicked Dead, and Kushiel, the Deliverer of Punishment.

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The Altar of Broken Dreams

The Altar of Broken Dreams is a section of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted solely to Jinx work. The altar is home to a large collection of children's dolls - each one with a grim backstory. Over the course of a lifetime, Reverend Saint Germain has collected these dolls from broken families, tragic deaths, cursed or jinxed households, found in haunted buildings, destroyed in catastrophic acts of nature, one from a family who begged the Reverend to take it off their hands. Some were privy to the last words of dying individuals. These dolls have witnessed the worst of mankind's misfortunes and depravities and, when properly enticed, will pass them on to the target of your anger.

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The Altar of Infinite Prosperity

The Altar of Infinite Prosperity is a section of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted solely to ceremonial money and prosperity work. Having ceremonial work performed on this altar is believed to provide reassurance that the bills will be paid, good luck is with the target, one will be able to meet their own needs, and that the needs of family and loved ones are met. Coins, paper money, gambling chips and other symbols of wealth adorn the altar along with symbols of luck, money charms, and talismans personally constructed by Reverend Saint Germain. A green pyramid candle, dressed with the appropriate prosperity and attraction oils, is burned. Large quartz crystals amplify the power of the altar even further, making work done on this shrine particularly potent!

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Shrine to Our Lady of the Holy Death (Santa Muerte)

Santisima Muerte (also known as Santa Muerte) is revered as the Goddess of Death. She is said to be particularly vengeful to those who are unfaithful in committed relationships. Santa Muerte is said to be very passionate about keeping spouses faithful to their wives and, if called upon, she will judge, punish, and torment those who violate the sanctity of marriage. When Santisima Muerte is your ally in a troubled relationship, she works to see that you get what has been promised to you!

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Intranquil Spirit Seven Day Prayer

The Intranquil Spirit is the name given to a type of dead soul that wanders restlessly but can find no home or resting place, thus the description “Intranquil.” The Seven Day ritual is a powerful ceremony which beckons the Intranquil Spirit to haunt, harass, torture, and punish a lover who has left, eventually forcing them to return. Intranquil Spirit spells derive from traditional Spanish/Latin American verbal love charms intended to dominate an ex-lover, force their return, or make them crazy until they return. It is said that the harassment by the spirit is so severe that the target returns completely drained and exhausted, and is submissive to the spell caster.

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Anima Sola Seven Day Prayer

Anima Sola is known as the "Lonely Soul" who is said to be trapped in Purgatory as a consequence of having loved the wrong person. She is often called upon to help in situations where a love has gone sour, or a love is unrequited. Unlike her vengeful counterpart Intranquil Spirit, Anima Sola is said instead to bring great comfort and healing to those who are suffering the loneliness, pain, and feelings of rejection that come from having loved the wrong person. She is said to help those who are suffering in these situations find empowerment and work through the issue with grace - ultimately coming out stronger and wiser.

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The Crystal Silence Shrine

The Crystal Silence Shrine is an all-purpose altar that utilizes the amplifying powers of crystals to make a strong petition to spiritual beings. These Crystal spheres represent the collection of three generations of Crystal scryers. The large clear Crystal prominently displayed in the center belonged to the Reverend's great-grandmother. Many of the crystals were gifts from talented scryers and psychometrists from every corner of the world. Reverend Saint Germain will personalize the ceremony to meet your specific needs, and select the elements which will best serve your unique situation. This work may involve a mixture of ceremonial rootwork, candle vigils, sacred relics, and prayer to petition spiritual beings to rally to your cause. Depending on the type of ceremony, prayers may last 3 to 5 days. You will receive pictures of the work along with Reverend Saint Germain's observations and interpretations of any omens or signs that were seen during the ceremony.

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The Altar of 50 Skulls

The Altar of 50 Skulls is a section of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted solely to Headwork. Headwork is a powerful form of hoodoo that can be used to make the target think or dream about someone or something, to insert subliminal messages in one's head, to make the target believe or deny certain thoughts, or to uncross and heal the mind of anyone suffering from emotional agony, dark dreams, love spells, or any form of mind control. The skulls represent ancestors who will be called forth to intercede on the caster's behalf. Adding power to the altar is a timber from the original Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. Two large quartz crystals amplify the energies even more - making ceremonies done on this altar particularly powerful!

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Shrine of the Four Kingdoms

The Shrine of the Four Kingdoms is a section of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church especially designed to be a powerful appeal to spirits to grant your sincere petition. This shrine is used to petition spirits for blessings, uncrossings, reversals, luck, and for matters involving spirit guides. Carefully selected elements empower the shrine with the spirits of the animal, human, plant and diva kingdoms, and the dominions of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. An effigy of Claude Alexander Conlin, founder of the Crystal Silence League, keeps watch over the work. This small shrine from the small church ministry packs a gigantic wallop!

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Divine Harmony Pet Shrine

The Divine Harmony Pet Shrine is an altar at Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted to calling upon Saint Gertrude, the patron saint of cats, Saint Rocco, the patron saint of dogs, and Julian of Norwich, to watch over, protect, and heal our animal friends or animal lovers who are facing difficulties. Reverend Saint Germain will personalize the appeal to Saint Gertrude, Mother Julian, or Saint Rocco to meet your specific needs, and select the elements which will best serve your unique situation. This work may involve a mixture of ceremonial rootwork, candle vigils, sacred relics, animal totems, and prayer to petition Saint Gertrude to lend her divine influence to your cause. Depending on the type of ceremony, prayers may last 3 to 5 days. You will receive pictures of the work along with Reverend Saint Germain's observations and interpretations of any omens or signs that were seen during the ceremony.

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The Temple of Saint Germain

The Temple of Saint Germain is a dedicated altar at Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted entirely to the Ascended Masters of Theosophy. It is named for Master Saint Germain - Chohan of the 7th Violet Ray and hierarch of the Age of Aquarius. In the Theosophical tradition, Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but through a series of spiritual transformations - called initiations - they have acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become immortal and free of the cycles of rebirth and karma. There are many Ascended Masters, and each one usually has a specific area of spiritual expertise with which they can help you with most any problem.

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Shrine of the Compassionate Bodhisattvas

The Shrine of the Compassionate Bodhisattvas is a dedicated altar to call upon Buddhist Saints for help with all manner of situations. The shrine is composed of several relics, including a prayer wheel, a kapala which is a holy relic from Tibet made from the brainpan of a human skull, a bell & dorje from Tibet, seven Tibetan offering bowls, a Phra Ngang statue which, according to legend, was blown out of a temple during a time of war, stained with the blood of fallen soldiers, and is possessed by mountain spirits.

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The Kingdom of the Beasts

This ceremony makes use of of several curious relics and totems to call forth the combined power of beast and man. The shrine contains an antique monkey's paw which was said to grant wishes, a strange clawed hand found in Tibet which has been speculated to be from a warewolf or a yeti, the head of an aligator named Bill, an enchanted conch shell which is blown during the ceremony, and a doll once belonging to a child who grew up to be a civil rights activist; representing the primal human drive to fight against injustice. This altar can serve various ceremonies for a range of outcomes, everything from granting your heart's desire to bringing the swift hand of retribution down upon wrongdoers.

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