Please understand that there are many diverging opinions and beliefs regarding the Ascended Masters, and presenting these in their entireties would fill volumes. The information given here is only a small fraction of the many diverse Theosophical beliefs. Divine Harmony Spiritual Church is nondenominational and respects all beliefs and interpretations, and most of all we share in the Ascended Master's desire to use their knowledge and talents for the betterment of all mankind.
In the Theosophical tradition, Ascended Masters are believed to be spiritually enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but through a series of spiritual transformations - called initiations - they have acquired the wisdom and mastery needed to become immortal and free of the cycles of rebirth and karma. They describe this as having attained their "ascension" - a state of "Oneness with God." They exist in a higher plane (some call it the spirit plane, others refer to different dimensions which the uninitiated cannot access or comprehend), and they have all dedicated themselves to the betterment of mankind and work tirelessly towards this goal.
"I was the first in the United States to bring the existence of our Masters into publicity; and . . . exposed the holy names of two members of a Brotherhood hitherto unknown to Europe and America (save to a few mystics and Initiates of every age), yet sacred and revered throughout the East, and especially India." -Helena P. Blavatsky
Madame Blavatsky encountered several masters in the 1870s, and wrote, "We came into contact with certain men, endowed with such mysterious powers and such profound knowledge that we may truly designate them as the sages of the Orient. To their instructions we lent a ready ear." She received training from them, and helped bring attention to their existence and efforts. When this happened, Master Kuthumi (sometimes also called Koot Hoomi) remarked, "We have broken the silence of the centuries." Since then, there have been reports of contact with hundreds of masters.
Some Ascended Masters have been placed in charge of what are called the 12 known "Rays." When this happens they are referred to as the "Chohan" (Lord) of that "Ray." A "Ray" is a concentrated stream of spiritual energy - perceived like a prism or rainbow- which emanates from the Divine. Each "Ray" contains a different God-quality energy, such as Divine Will, Divine Understanding, Divine Beauty, etc. The "Chohans of the Rays" each work individually and together to bring these qualities to man, and thus constitute a special grouping of Ascended Masters (Sixth Level Initiates). Until recently, 7 Rays were generally known, while 5 Rays were "secret." The Cohan of each Ray is selected due to having an extraordinary natural spiritual affinity for the characteristics of that Ray.
1st Blue Ray - Chohan El Morya Khan - The First Blue Ray integrates the Creator's divine will and plans for each individual and the universe overall. Connecting with the First Ray helps one to align themselves with their rightful path. Those already on the righteous path will find themselves invigorated with courage, enthusiasm, bravery, passion and unwaivering confidence when they call upon El Morya and the First Blue Ray.
2nd Yellow Ray - Cohan Lord Lanto- The Second Yellow Ray deals with issues of illumination and clarity of thought. Those who are struggling with unresolved mysteries or who are trying to learn difficult new subjects are believed to benefit by calling upon Lord Lanto and the 2nd Ray.
3rd Pink Ray - Chohan Paul the Venetian - The Third Pink Ray involves the connection between artistic beauty and spiritual enlightenment. It is believed that artisans, designers, beauticians, poets, writers, actors and anyone involved in creative pursuits will be aided by Paul the Venetian and the Pink Ray.
4th White Ray - Serapis Bey - The Fourth White Ray involves discipline and self-mastery which is necessary to ascend to higher understandings. Chohan Serapis Bey is a strict disciplinarian who helps those who lack focus or find themselves tangled up in fruitless pursuits. He helps those who seek self-mastery and puts them on the right path towards better things.
5th Green Ray - Chohan Hilarion - The Fifth Green Ray is concerned with aspects involving healing, and also the harmonious co-existence of science and religion. Chohan Lord Hilarion - a great healer - is believed to help doctors, scientists, researchers and lightbearers who seek to share the divine gift of healing. He is also believed to help those who have become ensnared by the false doctrines of atheism, agnosticism and cynical skepticism.
6th Purple Ray - Chohan Lady Nada - The Sixth Purple Ray involves the importance of service to others. Chohan Lady Nada is believed to help remind those in service industries the joy and karmic rewards that come from being of service to others. She is also believed to help those in ministerial positions when they are facing difficulties.
7th Violet Ray - Chohan Saint Germain - The Seventh Violet Ray involves matters of freedom, mercy and transition. Chohan Saint Germain, who is the hierarch of the Aquarian age, is believed to be the great bringer of freedom for all who find themselves in binding or restrictive predicaments. He accomplishes this by spreading mercy, forgiveness, and understanding. Saint Germain is determined to see the Age of Aquarius become a great Golden Age for humanity. Learn more about Ascended Master Saint Germain by clicking here.
8th Ray (integration and mastery of all former 7 Rays) - Chohan Maha Chohan - The Eighth Ray is the integration of the 7 previous Rays and is overseen by Maha Chohan, the representative of the Holy Spirit. His power is believed to be far-reaching, and Maha Chohan can be called upon for the attainment of wisdom, help in learning new knowledge, matters of faith, bringing about healing, understanding prophecy, the welcoming or expelling of spirits, and learning & understanding foreign languages.
9th Light Violet Ray - Chohans Osiris and Isis - The Ninth Light Violet Ray deals with issues involving meditation and enlightenment. It is ruled by Osiris and his twin flame Isis, whose love for each other has become legendary. It is believed if you call upon them both, they will help with matters involving love and romance. Individually, Osiris is believed to help us let go of hindering attachments and illusions, and to focus on what is truly and rightly needed to advance forward. Isis is believed to help those who are coping with difficult changes or transitions understand that for every door which closes, another opens.
10th Turquoise Ray - Chohan Lord Sananda - The Tenth Turquoise Ray is the ray of new creation and change. Chohan Lord Sananda is believed to aid those who are struggling with change by revealing new ways of dealing with situations, discovering possibilities one was previously unaware of, and providing new strategies for accepting constant change.
11th Peach Ray - Chohan Kwan Yin - The 11th Peach Ray is the ray of Joy. Chohan Kwan Yin is called upon to bring forth cheerfulness, enthusiasm, the happiness from doing what is right with your life.
12th Golden Ray - Chohan Pallas Athena - The 12th Golden Ray is concerned with truth, justice, and universal order. Chohan Pallas Athena, a great warrior, is called upon as an ally of all those who are struggling under oppression. She is believed to help one stand up for themselves and speak their righteous truth. She will thwart those who bear false witness, as she obliterates lies and deceit while leaving only the bare truth standing. She also helps those who struggle for a truth or a cause beyond his or herself.
In addition to being masters of their own rays, some masters also are assigned to specific Chakras of the body. Chakras are various focal points that are used in a variety of ancient and New Age meditation practices. In Sanskrit, chakra means wheel. Chakras have been described as flower or lotus-like in shape, projecting out somewhat like a trumpet or a lily.
The Crown Chakra - Lord Lanto - Referred to as the thousand-petaled chakra and the chakra of illumination, the Crown Chakra, is located at the top of the head and is associated with the 2nd ray. The Crown Chakra is said to involve matters of illumination, wisdom, self-knowledge, understanding and humility.
The Third Eye Chakra - Hilarion - The third-eye chakra is located between our eyes and a bit above them on our forehead and is associated with the 3rd ray. The Third Eye Chakra is said to focus on matters involving truth, clarity of vision, ability to see the good in everyone, having the vision necessary to facilitate healing, music and science.
The Throat Chakra - El Morya - Called the power center, the Throat Chakra is associated with the 1st ray of Divine Will. This chakra relates to your ability to speak your truth, express ideas clearly, truthfully, and gracefully, and become harmoniously attuned to both inner and outer vibrations
The Heart Chakra - Paul the Venetian - The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with the 3rd pink ray of Divine Love. Even as the heart is the most vital organ in the body, the heart chakra is said to contain a secret chamber where our divine spark (or soul) resides. The Heart Chakra is said to focus on your love for yourself and for others. This is the chakra that governs how you relate to people and how you handle relationships. It is the wellspring from which charity and compassion flows. The heart chakra gives empathy and understanding, and it's responsible for your ability to forgive and accept.
The Solar Plexus Chakra - Lady Master Nada - The solar plexus chakra is located in the midriff area of the body, and is associated with the 6th ray. The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. This enables you to discover who you truly are and let your authenticity flourish. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the ability to overcome fear, master your thoughts, and make conscious choices.
The Seat of Soul Chakra - Saint Germain - Located below the navel, this 7th ray chakra is sometimes also called the Sacral Chakra. This chakra is said to focus on the freedom that comes from spiritual evolution, the cultivation of mercy, understanding the link between freedom and forgiveness, clarity in administrating justice, excellence in diplomacy, intuition, prophecy and revelation.
The Root Chakra - Serapis Bey - Also sometimes called the base-of-the-spine chakra (indicating its location), it is associated with the 4th ray. This chakra is said to govern our sense of survival, security, and independence. When the root chakra is in balance, we feel stable, secure, full of energy, health, and stability. Master Serapis Bey reminds us that focus and discipline are required to achieve the full benefits offered from the Root Chakra.