Planetary magic is an interesting mosaic of ancient cosmology, astrology, magick, and hoodoo rootwork. Each planet (or in some cases, they are simply celestial bodies) has long been associated with the ancient Gods. Each of the planets also rules one or more of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The "Seven Sacred Planets" also each have their own day of the week. Planetary work involves pulling all of these factors together to create strong magical spells that can be timed to increase effectiveness. Doing a Planetary Candle spell with one of the Seven Sacred Planets on their specific day of the week increases the potency and likelihood of a successful outcome. They are:
Sunday - The day of the Sun (Calls upon the power of Sol/Apollo) - Assists with a wellspring of hope, increasing popularity, health and healing, charisma, vitality, accumulation of wealth, fatherhood, harmony between men and boys, and will power.
Monday - The day of the Moon (Calls upon the power of Luna/Selene/Diana/Artemis) - Assists with matters of motherhood (love and fertility), harmony between women and girls, a peaceful home and family life, dream journeying & exploring psychic visions, things involving the night, and things involving water.
Tuesday - The day of Mars (Calls upon the power of Mars/Ares) - Assists with sowing strife, increasing aggression, increasing strength, success in athleticism and competition, creating contention between parties, inciting open conflict, bringing about war, an increase in courage, accumulating power, successful results from risk-taking, enjoying total victory, and bloodshed.
Wednesday - The day of Mercury (Calls upon the power of Mercury/Wotan/Odin/Hermes) - Assists with matters involving learning new things, increasing luck, safe travel, lucrative trade, clear communication, increased verbal skills, sending & receiving messages, clever trickery, success in gambling and gaming, and aid in broadcasting a message.
Thursday - The day of Jupiter (Calls upon the power of Jupiter/Thor/Zeus) - Assists with good fortune, health, signing contracts and acquiring property, and overall prosperity. (Note: While Mercury brings quick cash, Jupiter governs the long-term accumulation and preservation of wealth.)
Friday - The day of Venus (Calls upon the power of Venus/Freya/Aphrodite) - Assists with matters of love, friendship, garnering sympathy, bringing about reconciliation, increasing self-love, the exploration of sensual pleasures, improvement in sexual matters, increased excellence in artistry, enhancing seductive attractiveness, establishing and maintaining healthy plants, and increasing aesthetic beauty.
Saturday - The day of Saturn (Calls upon the power of Saturn/Chronos) - Assists with matters involving binding and banishment, communion with ancestors and contacting spirits, cultivating patience and wisdom, recovery from grief, overcoming addictions, sever unhealthy bonds, and visiting elders or reflection on the past.
Terra - Calls upon Gaia/Mother Earth - Assists with establishing peace & stability, increasing skill in artistry, cultivating prudence and practicality, growing prosperity, renewed sensuality and radiance. Neptune - Calls upon Neptune/Poseidon - Assists with increasing the boundaries of one's imagination, the explorations and understanding of psychic visions, cultivating a keen sense of intuition, promoting unity and togetherness, and enriches or destroys fantasies. Uranus - Calls upon Uranus/Ouranus - Assists with the cultivation of original thinking & ideas, spurring creativity, understanding and excelling in science, matters involving eccentricity, the bringing about of inspired inventiveness. Pluto - Calls upon Pluto/Hades - Assists with helping to transform yourself or others, the elimination of unwanted persons or situations, regeneration and renewal after a traumatic event, and matters involving death.