Psychic Readings - Palmistry - Tarot - Spiritual Counseling - Candle Spells - Rootwork & Conjure


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The Altar of Infinite Prosperity is a section of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church that is devoted solely to ceremonial money and prosperity work. Having ceremonial work performed on this altar is believed to provide reassurance that the bills are going to get paid, that good luck is with the target, that one will be able to meet their own needs and that the needs of family and loved ones are provided for and met.

Coins, paper money, gambling chips and other symbols of wealth adorn the altar along with symbols of luck, money charms, and talismans personally constructed by Reverend Saint Germain. The hand of a mannequin was salvaged from a department store belonging to a local millionaire with a family history of business prosperity going all the way back to the early 1800's. Magnetic lodestones along with money-drawing stones like pyrite help increase the attractive power of the shrine. A green pyramid candle, dressed with the appropriate prosperity and attraction oils, is burned. Large quartz crystals amplify the power of the altar even further, making work done on this shrine particularly potent!

Reverend Saint Germain will personalize the Ceremony of Infinite Prosperity to meet your specific needs, and select the elements which will best serve your unique situation. This altar work involves a mixture of ceremonial rootwork, candle vigils, sacred relics, totems, and prayer to petition spirits to intervene on your behalf. Depending on the type of ceremony, prayers may last 3 to 5 days. You will receive pictures of the work along with Reverend Saint Germain's observations and interpretations of any omens or signs that were seen during the ceremony.

Below you will find a list of some of our popular candle vigils which work well with ceremonies performed on this altar:

Attraction Candle Vigil
Believed to attract money, love, luck, friends, or favorable outcomes.
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Blackhawk Candle Vigil
Believed to bring about righteous justice & restitution to those who have been wronged.
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Cleo May Candle Vigil
Believed to create an alluring physical appeal which the target will be unable to resist.
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Fast Cash Candle Vigil
Believed to bring a one-time instant windfall of cash.
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Fast Luck Candle Vigil
Believed to call down a surge of luck with gambling, lottery, or other games of chance.
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Ganesha Candle Vigil
Ganesha is believed to grant many blessings and is especially known for clearing away obstacles.
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Good Job Candle Vigil
Believed to help you land a good paying, satisfying job.
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High John the Conqueror Candle Vigil
Believed to help you conquer obstacles, gain success, improve luck, increase power & virility.
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House Money Blessing Candle Vigil
Believed to bless the finances of the home & family.
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I Can, You Can't! Candle Vigil
Belived to help you triumph over a social rival by succeeding while they fail.
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Jezabelle Candle Vigil
Burned for either evoking the curse of Jezabelle, or set by prostitutes to attract wealthy customers
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Job Blessing Candle Vigil
Believed to help you in professional matters - gain promotions or satisfaction at work.
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Saint Joseph Candle Vigil
Believed to help those looking to sell or buy a house, or those looking for work.
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Saint Jude Candle Vigil
The famed saint of hopeless causes is believed to help you during seemingly hopeless times.
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Jupiter Candle Vigil
Invokes the power of Jupiter/Thor/Zues to assist with money, power, & effective leadership.
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First Pentacle of Jupiter Candle Vigil
Believed to help in business, wealth, favorable legal outcomes, luck, and popularity.
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Second Pentacle of Jupiter Candle Vigil
Believed to help in securing promotions, honors, wealth, security and tranquility.
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Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter Candle Vigil
Believed to impore the angel Bariel to help you acquire riches and honor.
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Seventh Pentacle of Jupiter Candle Vigil
Believed to protect you against poverty and remove obstacles between you & wealth.
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Saint Lazarus Candle Vigil
Patron saint of the sick & downtrodden, Lazarus helps those suffering from long-term illnesses.
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Lucky 777 Candle Vigil
Believed to generate a streak of fantastic luck for gambling, lottery, or any game of chance.
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Lucky Dream Candle Vigil
Believed to inspire dreams of lucky numbers, symbols, and other interpretive signs.
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Luck in a Hurry Candle Vigil
Believed to bring swift luck for day to day events, job promotions, raises, situation that has become urgent.
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Ascended Master: Maha Chohan Candle Vigil
Maha Chohan is believed to call upon the Holy Spirit to help in most any area that is needed.
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Bodhisattva Maitreya Candle Vigil
Believed to bless families by providing windfalls of wealth, happiness, & children.
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Make Me Rich! Candle Vigil
Believed to bring about extreme success in business and money matters.
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Make Your Wish Candle Vigil
Believed to petition a spirit to grant your heart's sincere desire.
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First Pentacle of Mars Candle Vigil
Believed to increase courage, ambition, enthusiasm, & success in all athletic activities.
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Saint Martha the Dominator Candle Vigil
Patron Saint of housewives and service people
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Master of the Woods Candle Vigil
Believed to help you control a contentious situation and win out against your rivals.
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Saint Maximon (San Simon) Vigil
San Simon is said to give protection from evil, money windfalls, good health & help in love matters.
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Mercury Candle Vigil
Believed to assist with learning, luck in gambling & business, travel, communication.
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First Pentacle of Mercury Candle Vigil
Invokes spirits that will enhance your personal magnetism - you become more attractive to all.
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Second Pentacle of Mercury Candle Vigil
Believed to entice spirits to do the impossible; granting wishes contrary to the order of nature.
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Fourth Pentacle of Mercury Candle Vigil
Believed to assist in gaining knowledge, and to penetrate the hidden thoughts of others.
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Fifth Pentacle of Mercury Candle Vigil
Believed to open doors of any kind, no matter the way they may be closed.
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Saint Michael Candle Vigil
Believed to help protect you from evil, and provide strength during troubled times.
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Money Draw Candle Vigil
Believed to draw money from ordinary and extraordinary sources.
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Money Miracle Candle Vigil
Believed to help attract a financial windfall. Often combined with other money settings.
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Money Stay With Me Candle Vigil
Believed to help money from slipping through your fingers - you hold onto the money you already have.
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First Pentacle of The Moon Candle Vigil
Believed to remove all obstacles from your path and opportunities are opened to you.
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Patronis Candle Vigil
burned for attracting patrons to businesses, or to get the attention of a possible benefactor.
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Pay Me Candle Vigil
Believed to help collect any debt and put pressure on those who owe you money.
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Prosperity Candle Vigil
Believed to bless your home or business with prosperity.
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Road Opening Candle Vigil
Believed to clear away obstacles and open the road to opportunities and success.
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Santisima Muerte (Santa Muerte) Vigil
Invokes Santa Muerte to keep husbands faithful in marriage, or to punish an unfaithful lover.
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Second Pentacle of Saturn Candle Vigil
Used to gain the upper hand over adversaries in business or competitors of any kind.
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Fifth Pentacle of Saturn Candle Vigil
Used to protect the home from thieves, evil doers, spirits, and guards all wealth & possessions.
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Steady Work Candle Vigil
Believed to help you obtain a good job with regular hours and a fair wage.
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The Sun Candle Vigil
Invokes Apollo to help with wealth, hope, popularity, health, charisma, virility, & will power.
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First Pentacle of The Sun Candle Vigil
Invokes Shaddaï, who commands all creatures & even Angelic Spirits revere on bended knees.
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Third Pentacle of The Sun Candle Vigil
Belived to expand your power & influece, inflict loss on an enemy, & to acquire glory for yourself.
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Saint Teresa of Avila Candle Vigil
Patron saint of writers and of people who suffer from headaches--especially migraines.
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Terra Candle Vigil
Invokes Gaia for bringing peace, artistry, practicality, prosperity, sensuality & radiance.
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Three Jacks and a King Candle Vigil
Believed to help give you an advantage while playing games of chance.
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Van Van Candle Vigil
Believed to attract love, prosperity, luck, drive away evil influences, and empower amulets.
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Bodhisattva Vasudhara Candle Vigil
Said to bless those who call on her with wealth, prosperity, success in all money matters.
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Venus Candle Vigil
Invokes Venus / Freya / Aphrodite to help love, fertility, sympathy, pleasure, & sex.
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Wealthy Way Candle Vigil
Believed to evoke a steady, dependable stream of available income.
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